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Why Us

Why Us

Education Rooted in Tradition Ready for the Future

  • A school that welcomes you with open arms and comforts and nurtures you
  • A school that does not dictate terms to you
  • A school that does not confine you but teaches you how to set rules for yourself
  • A school that teaches the quality of leadership and makes a leader out of each one
  • A school that trusts you to make decisions and choices. A school where one student is not pitted against another
  • A school where the highest point is a plateau, not a peak
  • A school that opens your eyes to the world around you
  • A school that gives you the confidence to have conviction in your beliefs and ability to express your views
  • A school that gives you an identity
  • A school that makes you realizes the value of the things around you
  • A school that makes you sensitive to others needs
  • A school that instills in you a pride for your roots
  • A school that teaches you the importance of your Language, Culture, one where you think globally and act locally
  • A school that gives you wings to fly
  • A school that encourages you to question, to understand
  • A school made not with bricks and rooms and buildings but with souls
  • A school that grow not by construction but with the breath of every child in it
  • A school, which is more than a School
  • A school that we can say is ours
  • A school that has made us who we are is The St.Annians.

Unleash your true potential.

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